Are Your Ready?
Are You Ready?
To start your first
Small Business
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Starting Your Business - Are Your Ready? Online Course
Are you ready, willing & able to start your first small business? (download the guide above to learn more):
Are you mentally and emotionally READY to launch your business?
For most people, the fear of personal failure is often the biggest obstacle.
Are you afraid of the embarrassment of personal failure – having to tell those you care about that you failed – or is it the fear of true financial failure?
Are you WILLING to put in the time and effort to become your own boss?
What are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of your business success? Are you willing to give up hobbies, free time, family time and hanging out with friends?
Your success in business, as with many things in life, is directly proportionate to your discipline and sacrifice.
Are you ABLE to afford the investment of time, money and energy?
To achieve success in business, you must be able to physically and emotionally handle the challenges and 
stresses of being your own boss.
Starting a new business requires
considerably more time than you might expect or plan for. And you will also
need some money!
Henry Lopez - Business Coach
Henry Lopez
Who wrote the "Are You Ready?" Guide?
This guide is written by Henry Lopez. 

Henry Lopez is a Serial Entrepreneur, Small Business Coach and the Host of The How of Business Podcast
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